
Sculptures from English gardens

Art which resonates with the outdoors.  Various artists.

  • Gallos 'King Alfred' by Rubin Eynon - Tintagel Head.  Striking to behold.  Prominent high headland is a great position for King of England to be 'watching over'.  Its a clever sculpture because the wind through the gaps in the bronze sounds like a male voice. Many photos are in sunshine showing green bronze, but on a grey day, the 'presence' of the figure is powerful.
  • Wooden flame - Art Outside Exhibition, Malmsbury - pleasant piece, on eternal flame theme.
  • Tall female figurine - Art Outside Exhibition, Malmsbury - whimsical piece on female fruit bearer.
  • Bronze orbs with holes - Barabara Hepworth.  Situated in her garden in St. Ives, now a public gallery.

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Photographs can be purchased in full size resolution and up to 55 inches wide. Please enquire (To be marketed in future when paper/material decided). Mural commissions taken for any image, or adaptation thereof.