Image authors own: Hop terrace, and lichen covered engraved wooden totem poles.
The Eden Project is a group of biomes housing Tropical and Mediterranean plants, with corresponding equatorial temperatures kept optimum year round. The quarry dip situation allows a sun trap for many flowering plants to thrive outdoors too. Full setting built in an old china clay quarry; a Cornish industry.
The quarry has been organised into different planting areas, including a hot weather planting scheme on the south-facing north side with unusual plants. Cornwall benefits from a specific warm maritime Gulf Stream climate of mild winters.

Sun Bromeliad Fascicularia bicolour from coastal forests of Chile. Will survive in Uk to -5C.
Echinacea, pink petals when peak flowering. Used medicinally to enhance immune system and treat diseases of the respiratory system.
Common names: American coneflower, Black Sampson, Black Susan, Comb flower, Echinacea, Echinaceawurzel, Hedgehog, Igelkopfwurzel, Indian head, Kansas snakeroot, Narrow-leaved purple coneflower, Purple coneflower, Purpursonnenhutkraut, Racine d'echininacea, Radix Echinaceae, Rock-up-hat, Roter sonnenhut, Scurvy root, Snakeroot, Sonnenhutwurzel