Centropy Entropy The Cycle of Life

Cycles of integration and disintegration are shown in the work of Walter Russell working at the turn of the 20th Century.
Cosmology, physics and study of energy are just catching up with the ideas of Russell's work. See images on my Pinterest 'Natural Science' board.
All nature has a feeling: Woods, fields, brooks
are life eternal: and in silence they
speak happiness beyond the reach of books;
There's nothing mortal in them; their decay
is the green life of change; to pass way
and come again in blooms revivified.
its birth was heaven, eternal in its stay,
and with the sun and moon shall still abide
beneath their day and night and heaven wide
~ John Clare 1793 -1864
TIME is an important consideration in appreciating the natural world. Entropy (dissolution, disintegration) as reverse process of creation is just as interesting to the eye. Inner structure is slowly revealed as layers fall away, following the initial growth pattern (bark images). The effect of elements such as water on wood or stone create smooth curvatures of the original structure.

Attractive contrast of purple heather with dried wood. The decaying tree blends with the environment as it disintegrates by layers, gradually revealing its structure. Decay is always amidst the living nature, as the heather and ferns also decay to rust colour. All the elements show the cycle of life.
Growth life of plants is centred in he light absorbing point at the top of the stalk - the uprising of water gives energy to develop the bud, increasing he toroidal energy which becomes the flower; mostly in a perfectly circular radiating form like stars. The perfect flower receives light energy which is channeled into the vortex centre to form the seeds. The diagram rings represent the dispersal of energy, while the flower decays, but the new seed of life has already been made in the crucible centre, turning into seed pods, a 'space ship' for the eventual dispersal into space of the seeds.
Crafts with Old Materials
Crafting of old into new appeals to my philosophy of no waste. The manufacturing of things only to be discarded at an 'end life' time seems a waste, one which never occurs in nature. Mass production has conditioned people to only want new things, but there can be value in the quality of time affecting something. For that reason, I use all second hand furniture in my home and love to give wood a new life with a paint treatment and design decoration.
Life cycles in nature, discarded clothes (textiles) start a new life when combined with other discarded fabrics of good lasting quality. Recycling and repairing of printed fabrics absorbs me because of the thrill of compiling complimentary colours and design in a new order, to create something I would never have thought of without the limitation or 'brief' found within the coordinations. This gives me a skeletal framework for bespoke garment making, as well as a new inspiration for paintings on silk to add to the garment design.